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Balance All These Things…

Balance All These Things…

Christian Podcasts a ministry of HERFAITHVILLAGE.COM MINISTRIES Christian Podcasts For Women Listen to Podcasts for Todays Woman   Real Life, Real Talk, Real Hope, Real Solutions Current  Podcasts episodes For Women Listen in for today’s...
Balance All These Things…

The Happy Wife

Christian Podcasts a ministry of HERFAITHVILLAGE.COM MINISTRIES Christian Podcasts For Women Listen to Podcasts for Todays Woman   Real Life, Real Talk, Real Hope, Real Solutions Current  Podcasts episodes For Women Listen in for today’s...
Balance All These Things…

The Gray Hair Marriage

Christian Podcasts a ministry of HERFAITHVILLAGE.COM MINISTRIES Christian Podcasts For Women Listen to Podcasts for Todays Woman   Real Life, Real Talk, Real Hope, Real Solutions Current  Podcasts episodes For Women Listen in for today’s...
Balance All These Things…

Seasons Of Marriage

Christian Podcasts a ministry of HERFAITHVILLAGE.COM MINISTRIES Christian Podcasts For Women Listen to Podcasts for Todays Woman   Real Life, Real Talk, Real Hope, Real Solutions Current  Podcasts episodes For Women Listen in for today’s...
Balance All These Things…

A Good Man Part 3 Final Installment

Christian Podcasts a ministry of HERFAITHVILLAGE.COM MINISTRIES Christian Podcasts For Women Listen to Podcasts for Todays Woman   Real Life, Real Talk, Real Hope, Real Solutions Current  Podcasts episodes For Women Listen in for today’s...
Balance All These Things…

A Good Man Part 1

Christian Podcasts a ministry of HERFAITHVILLAGE.COM MINISTRIES Christian Podcasts For Women Listen to Podcasts for Todays Woman   Real Life, Real Talk, Real Hope, Real Solutions Current  Podcasts episodes For Women Listen in for today’s...
Balance All These Things…

Gentle And Quiet Spirit

Gentle & Quiet Spirit…

A gentle and  quiet spirit is more than just keeping a hold of ones tongue although that is part of it. A gentle and quiet spirit is a state of mind. Join Shelle as she share what it takes to have a gentle and quiet spirit.

Balance All These Things…

The Fall Of Marriage

The Fall Of Marriage… So many times when marriage declines or fails we are left to wonder what happened? Why? But the thing is the failure of marriage began the moment mankind fell. Only through Christ can we get back to what marriage was meant to be.

Balance All These Things…

God’s Ministry Of Marriage Establish

The Fall Of Marriage , the fall of marriage is nothing new for it all began with the first Man and the first Woman. Understanding why marriage fell helps us understand how to get out of the ditch and back on the plan that God designed for marriage.

Balance All These Things…

Introduction To The Ministry Of Marriage Podcast-Episode 1

Marriage is a ministry because marriage is a reflection of Christ’s love and relationship with the church.  As Christians become one body with Christ upon Salvation, so does the man and woman become one upon being married.-“Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” Mark 10:9 NIV Dating with purpose is allowing God to lead you to your mate.